Saturday, April 24, 2010

riley Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

During his years in prison, Davis had plenty of time to conjure up his dream girl: buxom, pliable and willing—a woman just like Dena Delores Riley, 38.

She grew in Kansas City and married just weeks after graduating from Hickman Hills High School in 1985.

She and her husband, Mark Riley, had three children in five years. By the birth of the third, Dena had lost interest.

"She got tired of being a mom," Mark Riley told the Kansas City Star. "She felt she missed out, because she got married right out of high school."

Dena Riley began bed-hopping and using drugs, and her husband filed for divorce and won custody of the three children in 1990. The following year, she had a fourth child with another man.

For the ensuing 15 years, Riley lived at the scruffy edges of Kansas City. She bounced from one temporary job to another—from holiday temping at toy stores to serving donuts, always with a meth monkey on her back. She was homeless at times, spent brief periods in jail, and dabbled in prostitution, according to police.

She was disarmingly honest about her drug jones. A blogger, Crime Scene KC, spoke with a former colleague at a dog-grooming salon who said Riley gave daily updates about her narcotics use and made no attempt to conceal the needle tracks on her arms.

Yet she did not seem to be the sort of woman who would participate in a murder, the friend said.

"She was one of the gentlest people around the animals I've ever had," the woman insisted.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

answer 662.ans.006 Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

Big Bang nucleosynthesis begins about three minutes after the Big Bang, when the universe has cooled down sufficiently to form stable protons and neutrons, after baryogenesis.[2] The relative abundances of these particles follow from simple thermodynamical arguments, combined with the way that the mean temperature of the universe changes over time (if the reactions needed to reach the thermodynamically favoured equilibrium values are too slow compared to the temperature change brought about by the expansion, abundances will remain at some specific non-equilibrium value). Combining thermodynamics and the changes brought about by cosmic expansion, one can calculate the fraction of protons and neutrons based on the temperature at this point. The answer is that there are about seven protons for every neutron at the beginning of nucleogenesis, a ratio that would remain stable even after nucleogenesis is over. This fraction is in favour of protons initially primarily because lower mass of the proton favors their production. Free neutrons also decay to protons with a half-life of about 15 minutes, and this time-scale is too short to affect the number of neutrons over the period in which BBN took place, primarily because most of the free neutrons had already been absorbed in the first 3 minutes of nucleogenesis-- a time too short for a significant fraction of them to decay to protons.

One feature of BBN is that the physical laws and constants that govern the behavior of matter at these energies are very well understood, and hence BBN lacks some of the speculative uncertainties that characterize earlier periods in the life of the universe. Another feature is that the process of nucleosynthesis is determined by conditions at the start of this phase of the life of the universe, making what happens before irrelevant.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

further 332.fur.003 Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

Rendlesham Forest UFO case


This is the text of the single-page memo written by Lt. Col. Halt to the UK’s Ministry of Defence. It was on official US Air Force headed notepaper but was not classified in any way. The memo was released under the US Freedom of Information Act in June 1983 by the US Air Force to Robert Todd of the pressure group Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS). Note that the USAF had thrown out their own copy, evidently regarding it as of no further interest, and this copy actually came from the British MoD. The memo was dated 13 January 1981, over a fortnight after the events that are described had happened, and headed Unexplained Lights. The items in parentheses are all Halt’s: